Saturday, March 29, 2014


I'm letting you know now that this won't be my typical "how-to" blog. Instead, I want to give a few words of encouragement to all of you tired-beyond-belief moms (& dads). So, hear me loud and clear when I say : YOU CAN DO IT! (&, yes, I'm thinking "The Waterboy" too.)

YOU CAN set up a functional routine during the day that works for you and baby.
YOU CAN train your baby to be a happy napper.
YOU CAN teach your baby to sleep through the night.
YOU CAN really live again without wanting to fall over from exhaustion.
YOU CAN. I just know it.

I receive messages on a daily basis from weary moms that are desperate enough to ask me, the World's (self-proclaimed) OKest Mom, for sleep training advice. Every time I can almost feel the exhaustion exuding from the computer. I recognize this feeling because I know it well; I've experienced it many times in the last 4 1/2 years. I also know that there's nothing more sweet, rewarding, and completely draining in life than caring for a newborn 24 hours a day. Add a few more kiddos to that scenario and you would be an excellent addition to "The Walking Dead" cast. I get it; you know I do.

Recently, I had a Facebook conversation with a mom and she said something that I think hit the nail on the head. Her comment went something like, "I'm too exhausted during the day to even focus on a routine." And I know EXACTLY what she's talking about. She was one of those wonderful, prepared moms that read Babywise before her baby made his arrival. She knows what she should be doing, but she's too tired to care most days. Haven't we all been there? We realize that our babies shouldn't be falling asleep during feedings if we want to follow the routine. Yet, we inwardly smile when they do because that means that maybe we can catch a few shut-eyes as well. Our inner dialogue goes something like this - "We can do wake time, then nap time next time. Just this one time won't hurt." And that might be true, but it's usually not just one time; this happens over and over until falling asleep on you becomes baby's routine. See where I'm going with this?

So, this is where my mantra - YOU CAN DO IT! - comes in. Let those words overpower the (temporary) exhaustion. If you could see the big picture, which I do now because I have several children, you would know that pushing through those tired days will only benefit everyone in the long run. Personally, I would rather be really tired for a few days or weeks rather than a year (or 2). I can imagine it's like working out. This is a subject that I should be reading a blog about instead of discussing, but let's roll with it. The beginning is the hardest. 1. You have to find the motivation to begin. 2. You don't have the stamina you need right away 3. You're sore and tired afterward. However, if you stick with it and see results, then you'll begin to realize that you made the right choice. Let me reiterate, this is NOT my topic ; )  I'm still patting myself on the back for coming up with the analogy though.

I will close with this comment, because I think it's worth sharing. During the same conversation mentioned earlier, I said something to the effect of : "Babywise seems easy until your baby gets here." If you recall my first blog I had a section called "THE WORK." Remember that, for most, sleep training is challenging. You're going to have to work for it, cry over it, and beg God to make it happen already. Stick with it, though, and you'll see that all the blood, sweat, and tears are worth the outcome.

You got this. I believe in you. &, of course, of course, YOU CAN DO IT!

(Fingers crossed the next blog will be a lot less corny, until then ....)

Happy Sleeping, Y'all!
