Friday, October 10, 2014

You Might Be a TMI Mom If...

*This blog entry is dedicated to all of the proud, usually well-meaning, always TMI moms (like me) out there representin'.*

You Might Be a TMI Mom If...

1. You have discussed the condition of your cervix with "friends" or strangers.

"Update: The doctor says I have dilated 2 cm and am 50% effaced. I can practically feel the baby's head at this point!"

Ok. This sentence makes perfect sense to me and when I read Facebook statuses like this I think to myself, "Good for her. She's almost there. All she needs is a little castor oil and we could have a baby by the end of the day!" HOWEVER, to normal people, this tidbit is TMI. I mean, the word "effaced" is yucky and should never be used outside of a doctor's office or, better yet, let's not use it. Ever.

2. Your milk supply is your pride and joy.

"I just pumped 4 ounces! #liquidgold #happybaby"

Listen, 4 ounces a few days post-partum is something that you should be proud of --- you had to go through a lot to get that! I know ... trust me, I. KNOW. Should that be public knowledge though? Ehhh, your call.

3. You brag about your kid's potty-training exploits. 

Really, I just put this on here because I'm bitter that, at this rate, my 2 1/2 year old son might be wearing diapers in Kindergarten. 

4. You make a big deal when your baby sleeps more than 4 hours.

All the "we don't have kids yet" people laugh at us when we do this. They snicker and make jokes behind our backs and then, when the laughing subsides, they feel sorry for us. 

(FYI: This isn't really a TMI point. It's just my not-so-subtle way of calling you out for finding humor in my distress. How rude. ;)  )

5. You share your child's stats with the world.

"Billy is 6 months old, weighs 18.4 lbs, is 30 in. long, head circumference is blah, blah, blah.."

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but only moms get excited about their kids' head size. Sadly, no one else cares. This TMI means nothing to them, and when they make a nice comment in response, they're just being polite. (I really am sorry to break that news. Someone had to break it to me too. I was heartbroken.)

6. You post selfies of your post-baby weight loss.

Hey! You carry a human in your belly for 9 months that demands you eat brownies and drink Dr. Pepper every day and then see if you can fit in your regular jeans a month after you deliver! Any progress in this department deserves a flattering picture of us sucking in (to the point of not breathing) with words like "Wearing pre-baby clothes!" typed all cutesy across the pic. You go, girl. You go! 

7. You quote your child on social media & script the dialogue for all to see.

Kid: "Mommy, you're the best in the world!"
Mom: "Awww, honey ... I know, I know."

I do this all the time. It's TMI; I'm very aware. Now, ask me if I care.

(Answer: No. No, I don't.)

8. You announce all your kids accomplishments.

You're a good, proud parent. You are and don't let anyone tell you different. HOWEVER, sharing every test grade, boy scout honor, homerun, touchdown etc., etc. might be a little TMI for the masses... Most people don't really care all that much. They just think you're (we're) bragging. Obviously, we are, but maybe we should find a less obvious way to announce that our kid is the best/perfect... ? Thoughts & suggestions welcome!

*Thanks to all of my "friends" that inspired this blog. Your TMI ways keep me going and entertained. I just hope that I do the same for you :)  Much love & keep it up!*


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